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Warnung zu Win98

Hallo Zusammen,
der folgende Text wurde in mehreren US mailing Listen veroeffentlicht, ich
dachte, ich gebe Ihn Euch informationshalber mal weiter. Der eine oder die
andere wird ja wohl in der naechsten Zeit mit Win98 zu tun bekommen, ob wir es
wollen oder nicht. 

Viele Gruesse aus dem hochsommerlichen Berlin

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Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 11:40:50 EDT
From: Kathie Anderson <Kadbmn_bEi_AOL.COM>
Subject: FYI -- Please read by tech expert before buy WINDOW 98

Hi Everybody --

This is Kathie Anderson -- forgive me if this is being repeated to you all --
if so...just delete it -- you don't need to read beyond this point.

I am forwarding to you all a message from our tech expert from State Service
for the Blind -- Some feedback on accessibility and the new windows 98 -- I
believe you would like to know more about Window 98 -- Please read it
carefully if you are thinking of purchasing this upgraded version of Window 98

Good Luck!! --

Hello all! I know alot of people and customers are asking and wondering
about Windows 98! Well I have obtained the Upgrade Version, and will
offer my opinion of what is there. Well I attended the Microsoft Presents
Windows 98, last Thursday and I must say that I was very impressed at
first glance. The showed a user who was using Win98.. using speech
and a screen magnifier. Which I thought would be a part of Windows 98,
because they were showing it, and because the user said that is one of
the best parts of 98. Well that convienced me to purchase the upgrade.

Now we all know that nothing is perfect, and that is for sure the case of
Windows 98. They did make very small baby steps towards improving in
access technology, but I must ask "Did you have a low vision, visually
impaired or a deaf user, test your product". My answer would be no,
because the accessability features are not too great, but there is
definetly some progress. First of all when you install Windows 98
Upgrade it does not allow you to choose which of the items you want to
install. So it makes you install what every the default is. The problem here
is that there is a great program called the Accessability Wizard, which IS
NOT installed by default.

There is included in Windows 98, a screen magnification program, like
Zoom Text. Of course there is no speech, but it does magnify the screen
up to 9x the normal size. But it ONLY stays on the top half of the screen,
and offers only that. You can resize it to take up half the screen, which is
a plus. BUT.... if you were to right click on the magnification half of the
screen, a dialog box will pop up... but guess what? The DIALOG BOX is
not magnified. I did some research at
"<http://www.microsoft.com/windows98>http://www.microsoft.com/windows98" and
here is what they said
about IE4 and speech. It said that Speech Readers are not compatible
with IE4, and that IE5 should fix this problem. And since Internet Explorer
4 is 95% of Windows 98, it said that if you are a Blind User they suggest
that you DO NOT upgrade to Windows98.

Now I must say that almost all of Windows 98 is purely a Visual
Enhancement. The Accessability Wizard is a nice touch, and it does ask
questions like, "Are you a Blind user? Do you have trouble seeing things
on the screen? Are you a Deaf User? Do you have trouble using the
keyboard or mouse?". But if you choose the option for a Blind user.. all it
does is allow you to change the color scheme, and use magnification...
which I can't see as being help.

The web page does say that Internet Explorer 4.0 can not be un-installed
from Windows 98, and now other versions of IE will work with it. So
there you have it. If you have any questions that I can answer my number
is 612-642-0850... But I can be best reached by email. One last thing...
we did try to install a HP Scanner on Windows 98, and the software
reminded me that it IS NOT Compatible with Windows 98... so upon Dave
Tanner calling HP tech support, the said they would gladly send updated
software, if you pay the shipping!!!!

The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to 
learn...and change. -Carl Rogers